29 June 2024

Young woman hiding behind her resume. credit: istockphoto

Utilizing artificial intelligence to craft your resume or overly creative designs might actually hinder your job prospects, new research suggests.

According to recent findings from Resume Genius, the most significant concern for hiring managers is the presence of AI-generated resumes among job applicants. This revelation stems from a survey involving 625 hiring managers nationwide. Additionally, subpar formatting and typos also rank as notable resume red flags.

Let’s delve into the top three resume mistakes that could potentially jeopardize your chances of securing a job offer, as outlined by an expert in hiring practices.

1. AI Generated Contents
More than half (53%) of hiring managers express reservations about resumes containing AI-generated content. Shockingly, 20% label this phenomenon as a “critical issue” that could potentially deter them from considering a candidate.

According to Reisdorf, a resume should be a genuine reflection of the candidate’s skills and experience. Relying solely on AI to generate a resume suggests a lack of effort and personal investment in the job application process.

Michelle Reisdorf, district director at Robert Half, a renowned recruitment firm with over 30 years of experience, underscores the importance of authenticity in resumes. According to Reisdorf, a resume should be a genuine reflection of the candidate’s skills and experience. Relying solely on AI to generate a resume suggests a lack of effort and personal investment in the job application process.

While AI can be a valuable tool for proofreading and refining existing content, Reisdorf advises against using it to create the initial draft of a resume. She emphasizes the importance of maintaining a personal, human touch in resume writing, as recruiters can easily discern if a resume lacks specific job details or a genuine voice.

2. The Dilemma of Frequent Job-Hopping
According to Resume Genius, resumes reflecting a pattern of frequent job changes cause hesitation in 50% of hiring managers. This red flag poses a significant challenge for job seekers, as it can hinder their chances of progressing in the hiring process.

Avoiding the stigma of frequent job-hopping can be challenging. Job seekers cannot fabricate their employment history, and hiring managers have varying definitions of what constitutes excessive job changes. While some may consider changing jobs every 1-2 years as a red flag, others might perceive even shorter tenures, such as less than a year, as problematic.

Michelle Reisdorf advises job seekers not to delve into detailed explanations of every job change in their resumes. Recruiters primarily seek to ascertain if candidates possess the requisite skills and experience for the job. Detailed explanations can be reserved for the interview stage.

However, if a resume features several short stints, Reisdorf recommends including brief context (1-2 sentences) about the job changes elsewhere in the application. Online applications often feature text fields for additional comments or reasons for leaving, providing an opportunity to acknowledge job-hopping without drawing excessive attention to it. Ultimately, it’s prudent to save detailed explanations of career choices for the interview, where candidates can address any concerns directly and provide context for their job history.

3. Poor Layout

In addition to AI-generated resumes and frequent job changes, hiring managers also scrutinize resumes for poor formatting. This encompasses disorganized layouts, obscure fonts, and overlooked spell-checks, which can undermine a candidate’s credibility.

Michelle Reisdorf, a seasoned professional in recruitment, stresses the importance of simplicity in resumes. She advocates for clean, easy-to-read formats with basic black fonts and concise, well-organized sections. The goal is to direct attention to the candidate’s accomplishments rather than distracting formatting choices.

Moreover, Reisdorf emphasizes the need for meticulous proofreading to catch spelling and grammar errors. This attention to detail demonstrates the candidate’s conscientiousness and enhances their credibility in the eyes of potential employers.

Ultimately, a well-crafted resume should captivate the hiring manager’s attention, leaving them eager to interview and potentially hire the candidate.

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