4 July 2024

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Welcome to the John Lewis Young Leaders (JLYL) program, a transformative undergraduate fellowship initiative launched in 2017. The program aims to empower students to emerge as influential leaders in social justice and civic engagement. Inspired by the enduring friendship between John Lewis and Robert Kennedy, JLYL is committed to fostering the next generation of human rights defenders for a more just and equitable future.

Program Highlights:
The JLYL program spans a year and equips college students with essential skills for community organizing and civic engagement. Fellows actively participate in human rights work within their campus and local communities through a comprehensive capstone project. The program provides support through grassroots organizing workshops, personalized mentorship from RFK Human Rights staff, financial assistance, and access to an extensive network of professionals, peers, and alumni in the field of human rights.

Qualities We Seek:
We are looking for highly motivated students interested in a career in organizing work. Ideal candidates are self-starters ready to challenge the status quo, envisioning themselves as human rights defenders committed to creating a positive impact. Priority is given to students from marginalized backgrounds facing systemic challenges in becoming advocates for human rights.


  • Undergraduate student
  • Enrolled in a 2 or 4-year accredited program
  • Enrolled in a university located in the United States
  • Preference for students attending an HBCU, HSI, or HMSI
  • Priority given to students in the southern and midwestern United States
  • Preference for students from marginalized communities

As a JLYL fellow, participants are expected to:

  • Attend the 3-day JLYL retreat with organizing workshops
  • Engage in monthly 1-on-1 coaching sessions with RFK Human Rights staff
  • Attend all monthly cohort meetings on the 2nd Monday of each month
  • Complete a capstone presentation detailing their project at the fellowship’s conclusion

Fellowship Benefits:

  • $2,000 professional stipend (paid in two $1,000 installments over fall and spring semesters)
  • Agency to focus on elevating social issues
  • $1,000 in funding for events and activities related to the capstone project
  • Access to resources from community organizers and activists
  • Paid-for retreat in summer 2024 (location TBD)

Anti-Discrimination Policy:
The Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights organization strictly prohibits discrimination based on various characteristics, fostering a diverse and inclusive environment for all participants.

Application Details:
The application portal for the 2024-2025 fellowship year is open. Key dates are as follows:

  • Application Opens: December 19, 2023
  • Application Closes: March 10, 2024, 11:59 pm EST
  • Fellows Notified: April 15, 2024
  • Weekend Fellowship Retreat: June 7 – June 9, 2024 (location TBD)
  • Fellowship Start Date: August 15, 2024
  • Capstone Proposal Due: September 15, 2024
  • Monthly Meetings: 2nd Monday of each month
  • Fellowship Ends: May 30, 2025

Ready to take the first step toward becoming a John Lewis Young Leader? Click here to begin your application. Join us in shaping a brighter and more just future. Apply now to be a part of the John Lewis Young Leaders program.

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