6 July 2024

For academically talented individuals from developing countries, the Felix Scholarships offer a golden opportunity to pursue postgraduate studies in the UK. These prestigious scholarships are available at three esteemed universities—the University of Oxford, the University of Reading, and the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London. Discover the details, benefits, and eligibility criteria for the Felix Scholarships and take the first step towards a transformative academic journey in the UK.

Scholarship Details:

  • Eligibility: Open to students from developing countries.
  • Application Deadline: 31st January (Please check for updates or changes in future application cycles).


  • Full scholarship covering 100% of the course fee.
  • A grant of £15,840 to support other expenditures.

Eligibility Criteria:

To be eligible for the Felix Scholarships, you must meet the following criteria:

  1. Nationality:
  • Open to academically privileged and underprivileged nationals of India.
  • Non-Indian students are eligible if they hold a first-class bachelor’s degree from a reputed university.
  1. Academic Qualifications:
  • Indian nationals must have a first-class bachelor’s degree from a reputed Indian university.
  • Non-Indian applicants must hold a first-class bachelor’s degree from a recognized and esteemed university.

Application Deadline:

The application deadline is set for 31st January. Ensure that you submit your application on time and adhere to any specific requirements outlined by the scholarship committee.

Why Choose the Felix Scholarships:

  • Gain access to world-class education at renowned UK universities.
  • The scholarship covers not only tuition fees but also provides a generous grant for additional expenses.
  • Join a community of scholars committed to academic excellence and positive global impact.

Seize Your Academic Journey:

If you are an academically talented individual from India or another developing country, the Felix Scholarships are your ticket to pursuing postgraduate studies in the UK. Stay informed about application deadlines, prepare your documents diligently, and embark on a transformative academic journey with the Felix Scholarships. Your future awaits!

Apply Here

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